
ball styled items to wear in the winter of the party

Just a little FYI. I am a nurse and worked for 6 years for a large (20) group of cardiologists.
Ace Inhibitors like Lotensin aka benazepril have a side effect of a persistent dry cough In humans. Idk if this is the same for dogs but something to keep in mind. When someone is in heart failure the goal was to get their blood pressure as low as possible without being symptomatic from it, to reduce the work the heart has to do. Ace inhibitors work on the kidneys to do this. The kidney secrets something called renin. Then it is converted to angiotensin which raises the blood pressure. What ace inhibitors do is block the renin from converting to angiotensin. This is why kidney function labdwork is done, to make sure the kidneys are not being affected. ball styled items to wear in the winter of the party
Lol just though I'd pass my knowledge of this drug on to y'all :)