
royal and nave blue color collections for cocktail

Hypertension: As I'm dealing with it...!

We somehow get to know about sugar levels but pressure is not known until we get the blow. While suffering from accute back ache, I was found to be on the stage 3 of hypertension. I'm hardly 36 now.

On September 26, 2017, I was declared to be suffering from severe Hypertension as my BP count was 200/120 with high heart rate. I was afraid as everyone will be to die at an early stage as the doctor fed my mind. He almost compelled me to ... take the hypertension medicine then and there and I had no other choice than to obey him.

On 27th Sept, I have started my day with the doctor prescribed medicine (Telpres H80) and it was worst with palpitations, profused sweating and blurry vision. I thought end was near but then I decided with the advice of many to stop the hypertension medicine and work on my diet. I have choosen a low carbohydrate diet with plenty of vegetables. I have started my diet structure from dinner time on the same day.

On 29th Spetember, again I had my pressure checked and the results were although hypertensive yet it was coming down. It read 140/110.

On 1st October, the blood pressure had lowered further to 134/85. Well it has almost come down to normal from the first count. Although, I will continue the diet plan for another 6 more months, which consists of 300 Gms of Chicken Breast a week counting not more than 75-100 Gms a day, Fresh Water Fish (Grilled or bOiled or Steamed), Plenty of steamed/boiled Green Vegetables, tamarind pulp, lemon, least salt and Virgin Olive Oil (no frying at all). royal and nave blue color collections for cocktail

I felt the pressure counter is being affected by my early morning medication with the leaf on the picture. Which is:

(Pic 1)
Indian pennywort, Asian pennywort.
Scientific Name: Centella asiatica
Family: Apiaceae

I have been taking 15-20 leaves all this week on empty stomach chewing it followed by 3-4 pods of garlic with the skin and another herbal dose boiled water of Nephaphu leaves replacing my morning cup of tea.

Detail of Nephaphu Leaves:

(Pic 2)
Common name : East Indian Glory Bower
Botanaical Name : Clerodendrum colebrookianum
Family : Verbenaceae

N:B: Both the herbs are natural medicines for Hypertension as well as Diabetes.

I felt like sharing this to all my friends, because life is all in our hands. If we can measure, we can control!

# Hypertension # HighPressure # HighBP

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